Halley ES Parent Kiss and Ride Information 2021

Halley ES has an established area called Kiss & Ride, which is designed as a safe place for adults in private vehicles to load and unload children. With the cooperation of all drivers, the Kiss and Ride is able to provide an efficient and safe transfer of children. To ensure safety for everyone, observe the following rules when loading and unloading children:

Kiss and Ride Rules

  • Teach children how to buckle and unbuckle seat belts so they can do it themselves.
  • Cell phone use prohibited to ensure student safety.
  • Practice so that children can open and close the car door independently.
  • Seat children so they may enter/exit the vehicle easily.
  • Load and unload from the passenger side of the car only.
  • Designate a place in your vehicle where children’s belongings can be positioned for easy retrieval or placement when unloading and loading.
  • Say “good-byes” as you approach the unloading area.
  • Remain in the driver’s seat unless assisting your child with bulky items.
  • Vehicles equipped with child protection locks may require assistance for your child to exit the vehicle. If so, please roll down your window and ask the teacher on duty.
  • Pull forward as far as possible into the designated Kiss & Ride lane before loading or unloading.
  • Load and unload in the Kiss & Ride area only.
  • Children may not load/unload items from the trunk/rear compartment of the vehicle.
  • Parking in the parking lot and calling to children to cross between cars is not permitted.
  • Parking in the Kiss & Ride lane and leaving your car unattended is not permitted.
  • Follow the directions and the guidance of the teacher on duty.
  • Be kind and helpful to staff on duty.
  • Remember the speed limit on school grounds is 5 mph.
  • Allow additional time on rainy or snowy days.
  • Make sure you and your student know their teacher’s name.


The Kiss and Ride program at Halley ES is designed with your children’s safety as the primary consideration.


When dropping off your child in the morning, an assigned Kiss & Ride sign is not needed.

Simply pull forward, following the direction of Halley staff  assisting with Kiss & Ride. Designated loading/unloading spots have been reserved for student and staff safety.  Students must remain in their vehicle until they have been directed by Halley staff to safely exit.  

Children should be ready to exit the vehicle on the passenger side only.

Students are permitted to enter the building at 9:40AM.  Parents may not drop their child off at Halley prior to 9:40.

Kiss & Ride will close at 9:45 (the start of the school day).  Staff will return to the building to begin the instructional day.  If you arrive after Halley staff have returned to the building please park your vehicle in our school parking lot and escort your child to entrance #1.  Our office staff will assist you with further directions.


Dismissal begins at 4:15.  As you approach the parking lot in the afternoon, make sure you display your assigned Kiss & Ride sign in the dashboard of your front window.  If you will be using Halley’s Kiss & Ride service for afternoon dismissal, please complete the attached Google Form to receive your assigned Kiss & Ride window display.  

Kiss and Ride students will be dismissed from their classrooms to the cafeteria where they will wait for their number to be announced and then directed by Halley staff to go to their vehicle.

You are asked to follow the directions of the Halley staff member assisting with Kiss & Ride traffic.  Designated loading spaces have been established in order to quickly and safely load students into vehicles.  Drivers should expect to spend at least 10 to 15 minutes in the Kiss & Ride line once dismissal begins.

Drivers should remain in the car. Children should be able to enter the car and buckle their seatbelt independently.


We appreciate a phone call to the office if you know you will be delayed, as it helps alleviate children’s anxiety about a late pickup. The office phone number is 703-551-5700


These Kiss and Ride procedures have been designed to alleviate groups of children exiting together, regardless of the location of their ride/car. This procedure also ensures that your child is more closely supervised while loading into the correct vehicle, thus achieving a safer dismissal procedure. Thank you for ensuring the safety of our children.

Any car without a proper Kiss & Ride sign will be asked to circle the parking lot until all numbered cars have cleared the area. Therefore, you are encouraged to have your assigned Kiss & Ride sign visible during dismissal.

If you will be using Halley’s Kiss & Ride service for afternoon dismissal, please complete the attached Google Form to receive your assigned Kiss & Ride window display.  


Frequently Asked Questions about Kiss and Ride

Q. If I’m only going to pick up my child once or twice a month, should I have a Kiss and Ride number?

A. Yes, whether you are picking up your band student with his/her instrument once a week, or your child has an appointment, it speeds up the dismissal process when everyone in line has a number.


Q. If I’m in a carpool, do we share a number or does each family need their own number?

A. Each family needs their own number. The carpool decides which number they will use for the carpool. On occasion when the carpool is not being used by a student, that child will have his/her own family number to use when being picked up.


Q. If I’m only driving my child to school in the morning and he/she walks or takes the bus in the afternoon, do I need a Kiss and Ride number?

A. No.


Q. On the  rare occasion I am stuck in traffic and can’t pick my child up in time, what happens?

A. Please call the main office at 703-551-5700 if you anticipate being late. You will then need to park and go into the office to pick up your child.  Please be advised that our office closes at 4:30pm.


Q. What if I lose my Kiss & Ride sign?

A. If you need another Kiss & Ride sign, call the main office at 703-4551-5700 to request a new one.


If you will be using Halley’s Kiss & Ride service for afternoon dismissal, please complete the attached Google Form to receive your assigned Kiss & Ride window display.  




Fillable pdf available

Most elementary schools in Fairfax County have established an area called the Kiss & Ride, which is designed as a safe place for adults in private vehicles to load and unload students.

The Kiss & Ride is separate from the school bus area, which helps schools avoid problems associated with cars passing buses or cars parking in bus-only zones and fire lanes. It also establishes a pedestrian traffic pattern to keep students safe.

Please read and initial below:

______I have read and agree to follow the Kiss & Ride rules.

______I understand that failure to follow these rules is cause to revoke my Kiss & Ride privileges.


*All potential drivers must also be indicated on the student’s Emergency Care Form.


Driver #1                                               

First and Last Name         ____________________________________________

Signature                 ____________________________________________


Driver #2                                                                

First and Last Name         ____________________________________________

Signature                 ____________________________________________


Student(s) who will ride with you for afternoon Kiss & Ride dismissal:


First & Last Name: _______________________________________     Grade Level: ________

First & Last Name: _______________________________________     Grade Level: ________

First & Last Name: _______________________________________     Grade Level: ________

First & Last Name: _______________________________________     Grade Level: ________

First & Last Name: _______________________________________     Grade Level: ________