Halley Parent and Guardian Handbook
School Summary
Halley ES (WHES) supports the whole child by inspiring all students to achieve high academic and social standards while becoming responsible and innovative citizens in the community.
Halley prepares all students for the future by developing critical and creative thinking, building positive relationships, supporting a caring culture, fostering a sense of community, and supporting each child to reach his or her full potential. We promote student achievement and equity through the use of culturally responsive instructional practices and resources that best meet the needs of a diverse student population. We honor the differences among cultures, value diversity, and interact knowledgeably and respectfully among a variety of cultural groups to support student learning.
School Motto: In the Hive, We Strive to be Respectful, Responsible, and Kind
School Colors: Yellow and Black
School Mascot: Hornet
Facebook Page:William Halley Elementary
Twitter Account: @halley_es
1. Important Information for Back to School 2024-2025
First Day of School - Monday, August 19
All students must have updated immunization information on file in order to start school on August 21, 2023. Students who do not meet these requirements will not be assigned to a class and parents of those students will be called to bring their child home until these requirements are met.
2024-2025 School Supplies (please don’t forget to label your child’s items especially coats, backpacks, and lunch boxes!)
2. Halley’s Mission and Vision
Our School Mission Statement:
Our mission is to impact every student and create a solid foundation for lifelong learning. We will accomplish this by building strong relationships within our school community and by providing equitable access to high-quality instruction. We do this so that Halley Elementary students will be equipped to positively influence the world around them and achieve their fullest potential.
Our School Vision Statement:
Halley Elementary School is an inclusive and welcoming community dedicated to empowering our students with the skills and mindset to take on the world.
3. Contact Information
Paula Johnson-Tyler – Principal
Dee Hubbard – Assistant Principal
Kayleigh Merrit- Assistant Principal
School Office Telephone
Attendance Line
703-551-5757 (24 hour answering machine )
Clinic Telephone
Cafeteria Telephone ( between 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.)
Fax Line
FCPS School Bus Office
Transportation Emergency
703-446-2000 (until *5:00 p.m.)
*In event of a transportation emergency after 5:00 p.m. call the Office of Safety and Security 703-764-2400
4. Student Rights & Responsibilities
Students have the right to learn in an environment that allows them to acquire the best education available. Students are expected to conduct themselves properly. Proper conduct is defined as behavior that reflects favorably on the individual and the school, shows consideration for fellow students, and creates a harmonious school atmosphere.
The responsibilities and rights of students as outlined by the Fairfax County School Board are contained in the Students Responsibilities and Rights Handbook (SR&R). Teachers and administrators review the content of the handbook with all students at the beginning of the school year. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are asked to review this information with their child and to sign and return the form on the first page by the date indicated in the handbook.
We hope that together we can guide children toward attaining self-discipline and other attributes which are desirable for growing children – kindness, responsibility, respect, honesty, courtesy, fairness
5. School Drop-off and Pick-Up Times
To ensure safety for our students, we ask parents to remember the following:
Students may not be dropped off before 9:10a.m. There is NO supervision.
Students arriving prior to 9:10 a.m. are to remain with their parent.
- Doors will open at 9:10 a.m. students may enter the building and walk to their classroom.
- For the first days of school, multiple staff members are assigned to assist children in finding their classrooms.
- ·As a safety measure, we ask that all Kiss & Ride students be dropped off at Entrance #1 or entrance #4. You will need a Kiss & Ride tag in your car window. Please do not drop off students in the parking lot or in front of the building. Halley Kiss and Ride Registration
- If you arrive after 9:20 am and the Kiss & Ride has closed, please park your car and walk your students through door #1.
- Students arriving after 9:20 am will need to be signed in as tardy.
- During arrival, please refrain from walking your students to class in order to prevent disruptions to classroom routines.
6. Attendance Procedures
All students should be seated in their classrooms by 9:20 a.m. Students are considered tardy if they arrive after 9:20 a.m. and are required to go directly to the front office to receive an “Office Pass”.
Parents are required to sign their children in at the office if it is after 9:20 a.m. PLEASE ALWAYS CHECK-IN AT THE FRONT OFFICE.
Walkers and Kiss & Ride students will be dismissed from their classrooms at 4:05 p.m. Bus riders will be dismissed shortly thereafter.
If a student will be absent or tardy, parents must notify the main office. Official attendance is recorded at 9:20 a.m. each school day. Students who are not in their classroom by 9:20 a.m. are considered tardy.
The following options are available to report an absence or tardy:
- Call the attendance line at: (703) 551-5757
- Email the office at HalleyElem.Attendance@fcps.edu
- Report the absence in ParentVue
The attendance line is available 24 hours a day for your convenience. If the parent/guardian does not notify the school of the child’s illness, the absence will be unexcused.
Attendance line/email messages should include your child's full name, the date, AND the reason for the absence/tardy. For us to adequately monitor illness, please list specific symptoms your child is experiencing.
Halley ES is required to account for all absences. FCPS has a policy in place for how its schools are to document attendance in order to be in compliance with Virginia State Law. If we have not been notified of an excused absence, an automated FCPS attendance system will contact you. The number of times a student is absent and/or tardy is recorded on the Progress Report. Excessive absences/tardiness will be addressed by Halley administrators.
Tardy and Absence Policies:
- Excused Tardies and Absences: Illness of the student, death in the family, doctor/dental appointment, religious observances
- Unexcused Tardies and Absences: Family vacations, childcare situations, missed school bus/overslept, non-school related activities
Prearranged Absences:
When a parent/guardian knows ahead of time that a student will miss a day(s) of school, a written prearranged absence request should be submitted to the school stating the exact dates of the absence and the reason for the absence. Student classwork will not be provided in advance.
The following options are available to report the absence:
- Call the attendance line at (703) 551-5757
Email the office at HalleyElem.Attendance@fcps.edu
**Long term absence: Please contact the school principal directly in advance of absence dates. Homework is not provided ahead of time for children who are being pulled out of school for family vacations.
Release of Students During the School Day
If a student needs to leave school during the day for a doctor's appointment, etc., please send a note to the school or call the main office. When you arrive at the school to pick up your child, please come to the main office where your child will be called from the classroom. All students must be signed out in the main office. Parents will be asked to show a government issued ID confirming their identity before releasing their child to them for an early dismissal. We will not release a student to anyone except a parent/guardian or someone listed on the emergency care form unless there is a note of permission signed by the parent/guardian.
Special Reminders:
· We may not call children for early dismissal or make a change in transportation after 3:45pm due to the impact on dismissal procedures in the classrooms.
· Parents are to notify the office, SACC and after school care programs if their child will be absent or picked up early.
7. Birthday Treat Policy
In response to health and safety procedures, birthday treats, to include Cupcakes, donuts, goodie bags, candy, pizza, and/or other edible items, will not be allowed at school to celebrate a birthday.
Birthdays are special for children. Our teachers are committed to recognizing your students’ special days and will be providing students a menu of items from which to choose to celebrate their birthdays. These items may include and would not be limited to choices such as pajama day for the whole class, the opportunity to sit in a special chair for the day or an invitation for a special guest to read to the class. Teachers might also communicate with families about options for your child (gift pencils for every student, donate a book to class library, and more).
At Halley ES, like many other schools, we have a large number of students who suffer from life-threatening allergies and other medical needs. As a school community, we work diligently to lessen the chances of an allergic incident occurring and to keep our students safe. We also strive to create an inclusive environment, where all students can equally participate in the school day and activities. Please do not send food into the building with your child to share. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Birthday party invitations cannot be distributed in class, at lunch/recess, or through the Thursday Folder unless you are inviting the entire class.
8. Transportation and Bus Expectations
School bus transportation is provided for students who live more than one mile from Halley ES. Parents will be notified of the designated stops for each bus. Safety on the bus requires acceptable behavior by all riders. All parents and students are expected to be familiar with the FCPS rules for bus riders found in the Standards of Conduct for Students Riding School Buses section in the SR&R booklet. Students who fail to meet standards will be denied bus service. Parent reinforcement of the rules for safe loading and unloading of buses, and of standards for behavior on buses and at bus stops is essential and will promote safety.
A child may only ride the bus to which he/she is assigned according to Fairfax County policy. Exceptions to this policy, such as a student riding home on a different bus with a friend, must be requested in writing by the parent of each child. Additionally, transportation rules require that bus drivers must have school permission for children to be dropped off at bus stops other than their own.
Kindergarten students must be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian, or a responsible middle school age or higher sibling. Children will be returned to school if the driver has concerns for their safety.
To help families simplify morning and afternoon bus routines, FCPS offers a mobile app: Here Comes the Bus that provides real-time bus tracking and will send text/email alerts if your child’s bus is running late, etc.
School dismissal procedures for student bus riders:
- Kindergarteners are walked to buses by teachers/instructional assistants/safety patrols
- First graders are walked to buses by safety patrols
- Students in grades 2-6 participate in dismissal process from classroom to the bus loop
- Halley ES staff is on duty to supervise bus loading
9. Kiss and Ride
Halley ES has an established area called Kiss & Ride, which is designed as a safe place for adults in private vehicles to load and unload children. To ensure safety for everyone, observe the following rules when loading and unloading children:
- Teach children how to buckle and unbuckle seat belts so they can do it themselves.
- Practice so that children can open and close the car door independently.
- Load and unload from the passenger side of the car only.
- Remain in the driver’s seat unless assisting your child with bulky items.
- Vehicles equipped with child protection locks may require assistance for your child to exit the vehicle. If so, please roll down your window and ask the teacher on duty.
- Children may not load/unload items from the trunk/rear compartment of the vehicle.
- Parking in the parking lot and calling to children to cross between cars is not permitted.
- Parking in the Kiss & Ride lane and leaving your car unattended is not permitted.
- Follow the directions and guidance of the staff on duty.
**If you will be using Halley’s Kiss & Ride service for afternoon dismissal at least 3 days per week on a consistent basis, parents must complete the
Halley ES Kiss and Ride Registration Form 2024-25 to receive your assigned Kiss & Ride window display.

When dropping off your child in the morning, an assigned Kiss & Ride sign is not needed.
Designated loading/unloading spots have been reserved for student and staff safety. We have two kiss and ride drop-off areas: front of building (entrance #1) and back of building (entrance #4).
Students are permitted to enter the building at 9:10AM. If you arrive early, please have your child wait in the vehicle until staff have directed students to exit safely.
Kiss & Ride will close at 9:20 (the start of the school day). If you arrive after Halley staff have returned to the building please park your vehicle in our school parking lot and escort your child to entrance #1. Our office staff will assist you with further directions.
Dismissal begins at 4:05. We have two kiss and ride pick up areas: front of building (entrance #1) and back of building (entrance #4). As you approach the parking lot in the afternoon, make sure you display your assigned Kiss & Ride sign in your front window. Any car without a proper Kiss & Ride sign will be asked to give Halley staff the first and last name of the student they will be picking up.
Kiss and Ride students will be dismissed from their classrooms by registration number.
You are expected to follow the directions of the Halley staff member assisting with Kiss & Ride traffic. Drivers should prepare to spend at least 10 to 20 minutes in the Kiss & Ride line once dismissal begins.
We appreciate a phone call to the office if you know you will be delayed, as it helps alleviate children’s anxiety about a late pickup. The office phone number is 703-551-5700.
Frequently Asked Questions about Kiss and Ride
Q. If I’m only going to pick up my child once or twice a month, or one or two days a week from school should I have a Kiss and Ride number?
A. No. Only those families who will use afternoon kiss and ride at least 3 days a week on a consistent basis need to register for a kiss and ride number.
Q. If I’m in a carpool, do we share a number or does each family need their own number?
A. Each family needs their own number. Please register each child for kiss and ride. The adult providing carpool accommodations should have a copy of the kiss and ride number.
Q. If I’m only driving my child to school in the morning and he/she takes the bus in the afternoon, do I need a Kiss and Ride number?
A. No.
Q. On the rare occasion I am stuck in traffic and can’t pick my child up in time, what happens?
A. Please call the main office at 703-551-5700 if you anticipate being late. Please be advised that our office closes at 4:30pm.
Q. What if I lose my Kiss & Ride sign?
A. We distribute two kiss and ride signs to each registered family. If you need another Kiss & Ride sign due to loss or damage call the main office at 703-551-5700 and we can reissue another sign while supplies last.
10. Travel-Routine (Going home with friends)
IF YOUR CHILD IS GOING HOME A DIFFERENT WAY, Please, Please, Please do everything you can to remember to send in a note with your child in the morning indicating the change. If this is not possible, a parent/guardian MUST notify the school prior to 3:30 p.m. on that day. Otherwise, children will need to go home their normal way. This will ensure the safety of students.
Once the dismissal process begins, students cannot be called to the office or pulled off buses for safety reasons.
If your child will be going home with a friend or having a friend come home with them, a note must be submitted to the school from each child with their parent’s permission. A permission slip will be issued to allow a child to ride a different bus home, or in the case of walkers, to allow a child to walk home on a different route.
11. Phones & Portable Devices
Cell Phones
Cell phones must be silenced and in backpacks for the duration of the school day. Cell phones may be used on campus before and after school. Teachers may allow usage of cell phones or other personal devices for instructional purposes. FCPS is not responsible for loss or damage of students’ devices
12. School Security
Safety continues as an overriding priority at Halley Elementary. We regularly review our security procedures in order to ensure a safe learning environment for our students. We appreciate your assistance in helping us keep our students safe by following the procedures outlined below.
We require all visitors and volunteers to sign in and out using their driver’s licenses at the school office and receive a visitor’s badge. Visitors can expect to be questioned by school personnel if they are not displaying the visitors or volunteer badge issued at the office. Visitor badges should be removed before you exit the school.
Entrance #1 is the only visitor entry point during the school day.
If a student needs to leave school during the day for an appointment or any reason, please send a note to the office 24 hours in advance of the appointment. When you come to the office to pick up your child, please sign the child out and an office assistant will call for your child. Students will be called to the office when you arrive.
Students will not be released to anyone except the parent/guardian or those listed on the emergency care form unless other arrangements have been given in writing by the parent/guardian. This permission slip should state who is picking up the child. Photo identification will be required. Students may be released to either parent/guardian provided there is no contrary court order on file.
These recommended procedures have been adopted to protect the safety of our students. We appreciate your support in ensuring a caring, happy and most importantly, safe learning environment.
School Safety Precautions
The following procedures have been implemented to keep students safe.
- Faculty and staff will always have their FCPS photo-identification badges displayed.
- Exterior doors are locked from the outside during the instructional day.
- Former students and friends of students, etc. are not allowed to visit during school hours.
- Visitors must enter the school from the main entrance (Door 1), report to the front office, and provide identification (see Visitors section). Doors are not to be held open for other visitors.
- Parents will be asked to show a government issued ID confirming their identity before releasing their child to them for an early dismissal.
- Students will use the “buddy system” when leaving classrooms for restroom use, errands, and other business outside the classroom
13. Cafeteria/Food Services
Cafeteria/Food Services
FCPS offers healthy and nutritious breakfast and lunch options for all students. A monthly menu is available online at, https://linqconnect.com/public/menu/ESSF44?buildingId=9851df37-64f3-ee11-a85d-a67f396213f5. Information about FCPS Food and Nutrition can be found by visiting the FCPS public website at, https://www.fcps.edu/services/families-and-caregivers/food-and-nutrition Students pay for meals through their FCPS lunch account using their Personal Identification Number (PIN) or can pay by cash daily.
2024-25 Prices | Students | Adults |
Elementary Breakfast | $1.75 | $2.75 |
Elementary Lunch | $3.25 | $4.75 |
Parents can fund their child’s lunch account on-line using MySchoolBucks or by bringing a check or cash to the cafeteria in the morning. If paying by check, make check payable to FCPS Food and Nutrition Services and be sure to include your child’s name and teacher’s name. Lunch account balances can be checked online through MySchoolBucks or by contacting our Food Service Manager. Parents will be notified when lunch accounts are low.
Students may bring lunch from home if they wish. We encourage students to bring healthy lunches and discourage students from bringing fast food, carbonated soft drinks, and glass bottles. A la carte items may be purchased in the cafeteria.
Students eat lunch by grade level and sit at their classroom teacher’s assigned tables. Parents are welcome to join their child for lunch but must check-in at the main office first.
Parents are not permitted to order meal delivery for their child.
Special Diet Requests
Any parent requesting a physician prescribed diet should contact the Public Health Nurse that supports our school (See Health Room), who will coordinate with the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in the Central Office. The school nurse or health aide will give the manager the current list of students with requested food allergies such as milk. The manager will flag these students on the terminal.
14. Medical Permission Forms
If your child must receive medication during school hours, you are required to complete the appropriate Fairfax County Public Schools authorization forms. You can complete the Medication Athorization Form online.
Hard copies are available in the school clinic or office.
Medication will not be dispensed without proper authorization from a physician. Please complete all medication forms accurately before bringing medication to school. A student may carry and use an inhaler for asthmatic conditions when the student’s physician and parent have both completed the necessary form available from the school clinic.
The first dose of any new medication must be given at home. Parents or guardians are responsible for submitting a new form to the school each time there is a change in the dosage or in the time at which the medication is to be taken.
Parents are reminded that children may not transport or possess any prescription or over the counter medication, at any time. ALL MEDICATION, PRESCRIPTION OR OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION MUST BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL BY A PARENT. However, students may bring over the counter cough drops in their original package. They may not share cough drops or any other medication with other students.
15. Health Room, Medication and Illnesses
Health Room/Medication
Our school health room is staffed by a Health Room Aide (HRA), Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Halley also regularly receives the services of a Public Health Nurse (PHN). The health room operates for the care of sick and injured students, maintains health records, and coordinates the health-screening program. Children new to FCPS, as well as children in kindergarten and third grade will have their hearing and vision checked. If there is any concern, a parent/guardian will be contacted.
The health room is not a medical clinic and can only provide basic health care for students. If your child becomes sick or has an injury, you will be contacted according to guidelines. It is very important that names of local emergency contact persons be listed on your child’s emergency care form. They will be contacted to pick up your child if you cannot be reached.
Please do not send your child to school if they are sick. It is difficult for them to concentrate and perform tasks if they are not feeling well, and it also puts other students at risk. Students need to stay home for 24 hours after he/she is fever free without the support of fever reducing medicine. If your child exhibits vomiting or diarrhea, do not send them to school until they are symptom free for 24 hours.
The Health Room Aide does not provide or administer medication unless proper forms have been completed. Do not send medication to school with your child (to include over the counter medication). All medications must be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian. This is to ensure medications are not lost or damaged or that other students do not have access to them. Cough drops or throat lozenges may be carried and used by students provided they are in the original packaging.
Students with the following symptoms are encouraged to remain home from school: Rash, Sore Throat, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Watery and Inflamed Eyes, Fever. (must be fever free for 24 hours, without medication, before returning.)
To protect our students, we require a doctor’s note stating that he/she may return to school following symptoms of: Certain Rashes, Pink Eye, Impetigo, Ringworm and Scabies.
The clinic may need to call you to pick up your child if they exhibit symptoms of Illnesses such as: Fever over 100.4 Degrees, Persistent Abdominal Pain, Vomiting or Diarrhea, Unexplained Rash, Head Lice and Persistent Cough.
16. Parent Observations
The following guidelines have been developed in order to maintain a safe and secure learning environment at Halley Elementary School. In the event a family would like to observe a student or have a clinician observe a student in their classroom environment, the following policy points must be followed:
Parents/observers must contact the Principal and Assistant Principals in advance to arrange a mutually agreed upon date and time to observe in the school setting. Please provide specific reasons for the visit to assure the observation is productive and appropriate. Permission is required in order to arrange the observation.
Parents/observers must sign a confidentiality release form before a visitor/observer is allowed an observation.
- The school administrator will be present during all observations.
- Observations are set for a limited amount of time not to exceed 30 minutes (or time determined by administrator) in an individual classroom setting. This will assure a limited amount of disruption and distraction for the students and teachers. If the parent/guardian would like to complete more than one visit/observation, he/she must seek permission from the school administrator.
- If a parent wishes to bring another visitor/observer with him/her, permission must be sought from the school administrator. Other family members, consultants/advocates, therapists and/or other professionals visiting must be approved by the administrator.
- The school administrator reserves the right to refuse or decline an observation or visit if it is deemed inappropriate or if it is believed the observation may cause a disruption to the educational environment.
- No pictures, videotaping or electronic devices will be allowed during the observation.
- All visitors are required to check in at the main office.
17. Visitors
We welcome visitors at Halley Elementary School. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe by following the procedures below:
- Entry Door - Visitor control is monitored through an electronic door access system. Press the button next to the door of Entrance #1. The office staff will answer and ask the nature of your visit/who you are here to see.
- Main Office Sign-In - Proceed to the main office. Sign in using our automated visitor management system with a driver’s license, passport, or military ID. The system prints an ID badge that must be displayed on visitor clothing at all times. If you do not have identification, you will not be allowed beyond the main office until you have assistance to verify your identity with an office staff member. Only authorized visitors will be allowed in the building.
- Check Out - Before leaving the school, visitors must check-out in the main office and leave by the main entrance.
18. Safety Drills
Safety Drills
All FCPS schools have crisis management and emergency preparedness plans in place. These plans are designed with the help of our school system’s security planning staff, local law enforcement, and emergency management officials. Plans are regularly reviewed and updated.
Throughout the school year, all Fairfax County Public Schools are required to conduct the following safety drills for student and staff understanding and fluency in applying these procedures in the most efficient and effective manner possible, in order to ensure safety and security for all.
- Fire Drills- once per week through September, then monthly for the remainder of the school year
- Lockdown Drills- one in September and one in January
- Tornado Drills- one in March
- Bus Emergency Drills- one at the beginning of the school year and one at the beginning of the second semester (February)
Our teachers prepare and practice with our students to make these drills and experiences as orderly and effective as possible. They will be teaching the foundational understanding that these practices are precautionary to keep us all safe if a dangerous situation presents itself.If you have any questions about these safety drills, please don’t hesitate to contact administration. Parents are encouraged to become familiar with emergency response terminology:
Lockdown – Lockdown is used to describe enhanced security measures taken to protect against potentially violent intruders who have entered the school. No one is permitted to enter or exit the school until public safety officials give the “all clear.”
Secure the Building - Used if the threat is outside the building (example, a robbery near the school). Outside activities are canceled; all exterior doors are secured while staff members and students are free to move about inside the building. No one is permitted to enter the school until public safety officials give the “all clear.”
Shelter-in-Place –Procedures used to temporarily separate people from hazardous outdoor atmosphere, such as a hazmat incident. No one is allowed to enter the school until public safety officials give the “all clear.”
Stay Put, Stay Tuned – Implemented at the request of public safety officials to limit the impact on the transportation infrastructure. Normal end-of-day release will not occur until authorized by public safety officials. Parents are allowed to “check out” their students from school.
Parents are asked not to call the school in emergency situations so phone lines can remain accessible for handling the specific situation. Communication will be sent via the FCPS emergency messaging system.
Please visit the Fairfax County Public Schools website: Emergency Preparedness and Support Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.fcps.edu/emergencyplan/faq.shtml
19. School/Home Communication
In order to ensure the greatest learning potential for all students, we recognize the critical importance of consistent school-home communication.
- Take-Home Thursday folder
- Thursday has been designated as our “take home” day. Parents are encouraged to look for communication from school each day, but we will try to limit most correspondence to Thursdays. Please sign up for our Hornet Happenings (News You Choose) to arrive weekly in your email.
- News You Choose
- Stay updated with what is happening at Halley Elementary! Sign up for News You Choose emails with the Hornet Happenings Newsletter weekly
- Read News You Choose on our Halley Website
- Schoology
- Log in with your ParentVue SIS credentials at Https://LMS.FCPS.EDU
- Review each class or group where your child is enrolled
- Look for information and announcements in the Parents Course
- Enotify
Enotify is the automatic enrollment service for parents of FCPS students and employees of the system. It draws contact information from the student information system and the employee databases. FCPS central offices and schools use Enotify for three types of messages: emergency, attendance and outreach. It is important that parents keep their child’s emergency contact information up to date with the school.
Contact information may also be updated online through weCare@School in Parent SIS
- Talking Points
- Talking Points is a easy way for our Halley families to comminicate with their child's teachers in their home language through a mobile app.
- Find out more inforamtion about Talking Points.
Other Communication:
· Parent-Teacher Conferences - Teachers and parents should schedule a 15 minute conference during the 1st semester to discuss student academic, social/emotional, and behavioral progress.
· Interim and Quarterly Progress Reports - The quarterly progress report is sent home approximately 2 weeks after the end of each quarter. Interim reports are a single sheet that are sent home with select students in the middle of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters.
· Email and Phone - Parents and teachers should communicate through email and phone as necessary. Please allow 48 hours during school days for teachers to respond to email. Please note that teachers may not be able to respond to email during the evening and weekend hours. If you need to contact a teacher during the school day due to an emergency, please call the main office at
(703) 551-5700.
20. Instructional Program Information
Program of Studies
The instructional program for Fairfax County Public Schools is defined in the Program of Studies (POS) which follows the state Standards of Learning (SOL). The POS objectives form the foundation for classroom instruction for all subjects at each grade level, as well as the SOL objectives. The POS includes instruction in the following areas: Art, Health, Language Arts, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Science, Social Studies. WSES strives to provide the highest possible quality education for all students through a balanced instructional program. For more information on curriculum guidelines for students in grades K-6, see FCPS Program of Studies.
Special Education
The Special Education program is designed to support students with diverse needs who have qualified for an Individualized Education Plan. Visit the FCPS webiste for Special Education Instruction for more information.
Advanced Academic Program (AAP)
Halley’s Advanced Academic Program (AAP) services use a school-based model that supports a continuum of advanced academic services and is designed to enhance the quality of instruction offered to all students. Our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) collaborates with school staff to offer a range of advanced academic services that builds upon students' individual strengths and skills. Visit the FCPS Website for Elementary School Advanced Academic Programs for more information.
Multilingual Learners (MLL)
The MLL program is designed to assist students who have another language (other than or in addition to English) spoken at home. For students who qualify, our MLL services help students achieve academic success, develop critical thinking skills, and solve problems. You can find more information about the MLL services on the FCPS website.
Family Life Education (FLE) Program
Fairfax County Public Schools offers a comprehensive sequential Family Life Education (FLE) Program. The elementary FLE program is taught by the regular classroom teacher. To have a child excluded from all or part of the FLE program, a parent must complete an “opt out” form. Alternative instruction in another setting will be provided for students who are “opted out.”
Descriptions of grade level Family Life Education lessons are available to help parents make an informed decision. In compliance with state mandate, children will be included in FLE lessons unless a parent informs the school in writing. Lesson descriptions and opt-out information is available at Elementary Family Life Education.
21. Specials
Halley students receive one hour of art instruction each week where they will have the opportunity to work with a variety of mediums to include clay, paints, drawing materials, and paper. All classes are aligned to the specific grade level curriculum.
Library/Media Center
The Halley media center contains a large collection of books for pleasure reading and research, as well as computers with online databases, magazines, and resource files. Classes use the media center for instruction on library/research skills, story time, and book selection weekly. Parents are urged to have their children return books and other materials when due. There is a replacement charge for lost books.
Music Programs
General Music: Students in grades K-6 receive weekly music instruction. Students sing, listen, improvise, move to music, and play instruments. The recorder is introduced in third grade and continues through sixth grade.
Chorus: Students in fifth and sixth grade will have the opportunity to participate in chorus. Students in chorus meet once a week during school hours.
Band: FCPS offers band instruction for students in fifth and sixth grade. Instruction consists of a one-hour class period per week.
Strings: Students in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade who are interested in learning to play a stringed instrument, may participate in the strings program. Instruction consists of a one-hour class period per week.
Physical Education
Physical Education is an essential element of the educational program at Halley. Students learn the values of teamwork, cooperation, fitness, and respect for the diversity of others in Physical Education classes. Appropriate dress for PE includes tennis shoes, socks, and pants or shorts (no sandals, flip flops, Crocs, open-back shoes or boots).
22. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness
Halley Elementary is committed to serving every student by name, strength and by need. Halley Staff works and learns from our FCPS chief equity officer to promote equitable opportunities for all students by examining policies and practices, advocating for those who are marginalized, and providing learning opportunities for staff to build their capacity to interact with students, families, and colleagues in ways that are empowering and responsive to all.
We are working to deepen our commitment to creating a climate and curriculum where all students see themselves, recognize their identity is affirmed, and receive the resources they need to reach their fullest potential.
Since 2018, curriculum and instruction in FCPS schools are guided by the Design Principles of Cultural Responsiveness, which prioritizes rigorous and relevant learning experiences that affirm diverse identities, foster critical thinking, and support meaningful relationships.
23. Parent-Teacher Organization ( PTO)
The Halley PTO brings parents and teachers together to enrich our school community and enhance the educational experiences of our students. The PTO funds various committees that make our school extraordinary. Our organization is composed of many dedicated volunteers and we welcome new parents to contribute their many talents to extend our initiatives.
The PT0 provides financial support for school programs such as:
- Social-emotional support programs and resources for all students
- Teacher professional development
- Field trip scholarships for students
- Classroom supplies and special projects
Most importantly, our goal is to build a sense of community! The PTO sponsors events to encourage school community building such as:
- Fall and/or Spring Festival
- Boosterthon
- Bingo and Movie Nights
- Restaurant Nights
- Coin Wars
PTO meetings are held regularly and ALL are welcome (and encouraged!) to attend.
24. Dress Code
FCPS respects students’ right to express themselves in the way they dress. It is important, however, that their appearance is tasteful and appropriate for a K-12 school setting. Discussion about dress code violations shall be held privately and maintain the dignity of the student.
Clothing and accessories should not include:
- Display vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene language or images
- Promote illegal or violent conduct
- Contain threats or gang symbols
- Promote the unlawful use of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or drug paraphernalia
- Expose private parts or show an excessive amount of bare skin
- Contain studs
- Include hats or other head coverings unless worn for significant religious, cultural, or medical purposes.
Parents of students requiring accommodation for religious beliefs, disabilities, or other good causes should contact the principal. Students not complying with the dress code will be asked to cover the non-complying clothing, change clothes, or go home.
25. Progress Reports
FCPS uses a standards-based progress report. The elementary Progress Report measures a student’s progress according to how he/she is performing on expected standards. Progress Reports for students in grades 1st-6th are issued four times per year at the completion of each grading period. A report of a child’s progress in kindergarten will consist of a scheduled conference at the end of the first grading period and evaluations following the second, third, and fourth grading periods.
Progress Reports are sent home approximately one to two weeks after the end of each grading period. The purpose of the Progress Report is to help the parent and student identify the pupil’s strengths and challenges and to help teachers evaluate each pupil and plan instruction accordingly. For more information on progress reports, please see FCPS elementary grading and reporting.
26: Student Testing
Students at Halley are tested in many areas throughout the year as a part of the teaching and learning cycle. Some of the Virginia and Fairfax County assessments Halley ES Students take include:
- iReady Math 1st-6th
- iReady Reading for 3rd-6th
- Kindergarten Math Reasoning Assessments
- Virginia Language & Literacy Screening (VALLSS) in K-2
- Grades 3-6 Standards of Learning (SOL) tests
- Naglieri for grade 1 students
- CogAT for grade 2 students
- WIDA for Multilingual Learners
For more information, The FCPS Testing and Assessment webpage
27. Schoology & Student Identification System (SIS)
Schoology is a learning management system used by FCPS. Teachers use Schoology to post their classroom materials; to provide a safe forum for students to discuss their ideas and collaborate on projects; and to assign and collect homework electronically. It helps students stay organized and it keeps the class connected. Through Schoology, parents are able to view their child’s class, assignments and participation, calendar, and teacher comments, scores, and feedback. Students access Schoology through their FCPS account. Parents access Schoology through their SIS ParentVue account. For more information on Schoology and how to set-up a parent account, see Schoology for Parents.
Student Identification System (SIS) is a secure, web-based system that manages information on a student’s attendance, grades, health, course materials, and more. SIS is accessed by staff, students, parents, and guardians. A SIS ParentVUE account allows parents to access information about their child’s attendance, report cards, health data, and also has the link to Schoology. SIS provides an additional conduit for communication with parents and their child’s school.
28. Inclement Weather- School Schedule Changes
Inclement weather or other school emergencies may result in unexpected closing, delayed opening, or early dismissal for schools. FCPS will announce when school schedule decisions are made via FCPS “News You Choose” emails, text messages, FCPS homepage and FCPS social media sites. Television and radio stations will often announce this information as well (Channel 21 is the official television channel for FCPS).
Throughout the school year, FCPS has scheduled two-hour early release days (typically at the end of each quarter). The dates of two-hour early release days can be found on the FCPS Standard School Year Calendar.
Halley’s school hours for delayed opening and early release:
- Two- Hour Delayed Opening:
- School begins at 11:20 (Doors will open at 11:10)
Buses will pick up students two hours later than the regularly scheduled time
- Two-Hour Early Release:
- School dimissis at 2:05
New this year, the county has designated 3-hour early release at the elementary level for professional development. School will be dismissed at 1:05 on the following Mondays: September 16, October 21, November 18, February 10, March 10, April 21, and May 12
29. Some Friendly Faces at Halley
Paula Johnson-Tyler - Principal Dee Hubbard – Assistant Principal Nicole Kendall – Administrative Assistant Patrice Crusoe - Registrar Maria Chavez- Office Assistant Taisha Israel – Health Room Aide Alyssa Concino – Counselor, Grades K-3 Jenny Choi – Counselor, Grades 4-6 Mr. Verma – Cafeteria Manager Jennifer Buchko – School Based Tech Specialist Christie Hall – Librarian Christy Talley - Advanced Academics Sandra Ramirez – Family Liaison |