Hornet Happenings Week of February 10th: Halley ES

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3 Hour Early Dismissal on Monday, February 10th @ 1:05 PM.

Students will be released early on Monday to allow Halley staff time for professional development. 

Childcare supervision is provided from 1:05 PM until 4:05 PM only for families who do not have other arrangements. 

We will use your same selection that was chosen from our last 3 hour early dismissal.  Notifications were sent to families on Friday via email who signed up for childcare supervision.  

If you are in need of childcare supervision or would like to change your child's mode of transportation, please call our school office Monday morning at 703-551-5700.

Thank you to our amazing Halley PTO for a fun BINGO night!

It was wonderful to see so many participants at our winter BINGO night hosted by the Halley PTO.  It's always a delight to see our students, families, and teachers spending time together having fun!  Take a look below...


Coin Wars

The results are in, and we have a WINNER… KINDERGARTEN!!! 🏆🎉

Our amazing Kindergarteners raised $133.65, and even though they were hit with $16.97 in pennies and bills (nice try, other grades! 😉), they still came out on top with a final total of $116.68!

5th Grade gave them a tough challenge, collecting an impressive $140.50 in silver coins. However, they were sabotaged with $36.26 in pennies and bills, bringing their final total to $104.24—so close!

Together, our Hornets raised an incredible $737.97 to help cover field trip transportation! 

🚌💛💙 A small portion will go toward an ice cream party 🏅🍦 to celebrate our Kindergarten winners!

Thank you to all our students, families, and staff for making this fundraiser a huge success!


Hearts for Halley

In February, the PTO will host 'Hearts for Halley' , a fundraiser to support the upcoming teacher appreciation week. Show your support by donating funds and get a heart with your student or family name in the main hallway of Halley Elementary.  More details coming soon.  

Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)


FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19th, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.   


The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community. 

For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.

Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration


Countywide lottery registration for the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program for first graders in the 2025-26 school year is open through Thursday, February 13, at 4 p.m. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program through Thursday, March 6, at 4 p.m.  


Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 


Interested parents/caregivers may attend an informational meeting at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program registration page for a list of meetings by language offered


Get more details on the DLI Program webpage.

Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family Summit

The 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School. Visit the Family Summit webpage for more information. 


At the event, FCPS students will be invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities. 


Students must use this Google Form to participate by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions. 

✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered.

We have our top 4 finishers from each grade level (1st-6th) who will now advance to the Halley Elementary School-wide Spelling Bee to be held on Thursday, February 20th  from 6:00-8:00 pm.

The school champion will advance to the Fairfax County Spelling Bee: Sunday, March 23rd at 2:00 PM at Lake Braddock Secondary School.

The county champion will advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee held in late May, 2025.

We invite all families to come and support our students at Halley's School-Wide Spelling Bee!!

FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the good work of our Newington Forest staff members.

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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BINGO: It's not too late to attend!! It's Tonight!

GovDelivery2 days 18 hours ago

There's still time!!  Come on over to Halley ES this evening to enjoy BINGO night!

Join the PTO for a fun night of bingo and community on February 6th from 6pm-9pm at Halley Elementary School. Click here to purchase bingo cards and concessions tickets.  


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🐝PTO Bingo Night TONIGHT!

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Bingo Night is finally here! Come have fun with the Halley PTO, Families and Staff tonight!

Join the PTO for a fun night of bingo and community on February 6th from 6pm-9pm at Halley Elementary School. Click here to purchase bingo cards and concessions tickets.  

Special offer: Purchase a whole pizza pie for delivery in advance by 2pm on February 6th for $9.  

The PTO needs parent volunteers to make this event a fun success. Click here to sign up to help support the event.  

Thank you and see you February 6th!

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝PTO Bingo Night

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Join the PTO for a fun night of bingo and community on February 6th from 6pm-9pm at Halley Elementary School. Click here to purchase bingo cards and concessions tickets.  

Special offer: Purchase a whole pizza pie for delivery in advance by 2pm on February 6th for $9.  

The PTO needs parent volunteers to make this event a fun success. Click here to sign up to help support the event.  

Thank you and see you February 6th!

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝PTO Bingo Night

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Join the PTO for a fun night of bingo and community on February 6th from 6pm-9pm at Halley Elementary School. Click here to purchase bingo cards and concessions tickets.  

Special offer: Purchase a whole pizza pie for delivery in advance by 2pm on February 6th for $9.  

The PTO needs parent volunteers to make this event a fun success. Click here to sign up to help support the event.  

Thank you and see you February 6th!

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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Hornet Happenings Week of Jan 27th

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It's going to be a great week Hornet Nation!  I am excited with the idea of having a pretty normal schedule for students this week!  We will have a teacher workday this Wednesday, which means students will not be in attendance at school.  

We would like to celebrate our strings students and their inspiring teacher, Mr. Abner Mondoloka.  Our strings students performed last Friday for the first time this year.  It was exciting to see their excitement and dedication to learning a stringed instrument.  Nice job everyone!


Last week, we also conducted our grade level spelling bee contests for students in grades 1st thru 6th.  Each of our Hornets who participated did an excellent job prepping and executing a wonderful performance for the bee.  We could not be prouder of our students!  The finalists from each grade level will participate in our Halley ES school-wide bee in February.  Way to go!


This week's Hornet Happenings will highlight our PTO's BINGO night.  Please reference the flier below.  Our BINGO nights at Halley are an excellent way to engage with other families within the community and have fun!!  Please sign up using the links below!


Paula Johnson-Tyler-Principal

Dee Hubbard-Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt-Assistant Principal


Join the PTO for a fun night of bingo and community on February 6th from 6pm-9pm at Halley Elementary School. Click here to purchase bingo cards and concessions tickets.  

Special offer: Purchase a whole pizza pie for delivery in advance by 2pm on February 6th for $9.  

The PTO needs parent volunteers to make this event a fun success. Click here to sign up to help support the event.  

Thank you and see you February 6th!

Thank you for contributing to Coin Wars.  Stay tuned for an announcement of the winning class. The grade with the most silver coins wins an ice-cream party and bragging rights for the rest of the year!

  •  Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings

If you have not been able to attend an FCPS Community Boundary Review meeting yet, it’s not too late! The following virtual meetings will have the same format and information available as the previous in-person meetings:



Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. Learn about FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

  • 📈 Virginia’s Student Assessment Summary for Families

This month, families of students who took any Standards of Learning (SOL) test between school years 2015-16 and 2023-24 will receive a Student Assessment Summary Report. The report shows a student’s state percentile ranking for each test. This allows families to see how their child ranked compared to all Virginia students who took the same test that year. 

Reports are available now in SIS ParentVUE Documents. We will distribute them to students whose families do not have ParentVUE access. Learn how to access ParentVUE

The report is intended to help families reflect on how their child performed across all tested subjects over the years. Our staff members are committed to working with families to help every student reach their highest potential. Learn more about student assessments in FCPS.

Proposed Budget Presented to School Board Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at the School Board meeting on Thursday, January 23. Watch a video of the presentation

The proposed budget reflects FCPS’ continued focus on providing a world-class education for each and every student while recognizing the hard work and commitment of our outstanding employees. The budget focuses on competitive compensation — including a 7% salary increase for all staff — investing in students who require additional support, and the continuation of multiyear investments. It reflects the needs of and FCPS’ commitments to Fairfax County students, families, and community members. Learn more on the Budget website.

January 28: End of Second Quarter

January 29: Teacher Workday & Lunar New Year

February 1: Beginning of Black History Month

February 6: BINGO Night

February 10: 3 Hour Early Release

February 12: 100th Day of School

February 14: Valentine’s Day 

February 17: President’s Day Holiday No School

February 28: Ramadan Begins at Sundown

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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Hornet Happenings: 2 Hour Delayed Opening

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Hello Hornet Nation!  We will have a 2 hour delay tomorrow.  Halley's doors will open at 11:10 AM.  School officially begins at 11:20 AM.  Please ensure your child is prepared for the harsh winter temperatures.  If you need assistance with winter attire, please alert your child's teacher and they will assist you accordingly.


This week's newsletter highlights our amazing Halley PTO.  There are several events scheduled for this week and the weeks to come.

Let's stay warm together Hornet Nation!  See you tomorrow!


Paula Johnson-Tyler-Principal

Dee Hubbard-Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt-Assistant Principal


Coin Wars

The Coin Wars are coming!  Starting Tuesday January 21st through Monday January 27th, we’re holding a Coin Wars fundraiser to raise funds for field trips, classroom supplies, and special events. The grade that collects the most coins at the end of the coin wars will win a special prize for their entire grade! Start saving your coins and get ready to support your grade and the school! Let’s make this a fun and successful week!  


Bingo Night

Looking ahead, the PTO will host Bingo Night February 6th, and we need parent volunteers to help make the event a fun success. Click here to sign up today!


Date: March 22nd

Time: 9:00 AM – Noon

Location: South County MS Campus

🎉 Join us for a fun-filled day of fitness and community spirit!

  • 5K Run
  • 1M Family Fun Run

💸 Early Bird Registration Begins Today! REGISTER HERE Don’t miss out on the chance to secure your spot at a discounted rate!

👟 Bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fitness, family, and fun! There will be food, raffles, and a DJ.

For more information contact Chris Woodby at [email protected]


Family Race Sign Sponsorship Opportunity

Make your family’s mark on the FIRST EVER SOCO STAMPEDE! Personalized signs with your cheers will line the racecourse, inspiring runners & creating memories. Support SCMS After-School Program & Athletics with your purchase of a sign. Each sign is only $100, and please contact Mr. Chris Woodby at [email protected] to order yours today! SIGN SPONSORSHIP.

Halley ES has a chronic absenteeism rate of 15%.  Let's decrease that number as we head into the second half of the school year.  We love our Hornets…and we want to see them at school everyday!

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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Hornet Happenings: Week of January 13th

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We're looking forward to a normal week of school Hornet Nation!  The winter weather kept us away a bit longer than anticipated.  However, school opens on time tomorrow at 9:20 AM.  Halley's doors open at 9:10 AM.  Our teachers are ready to receive your children.

Hats off to Halley's custodial team who did a magnificent job clearing our walkways when the weather was at its worse last week!  Thank you for being such an integral part of our Halley community!

See you tomorrow Hornets!

Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard, Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt, Assistant Principal


January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday/Inauguration Day: No School

January 28: End of 2nd Quarter

January 29: Student Holiday; Teacher Work Day

Phones Down, Engagement Up: FCPS Cell Phone Policy Keeping cell phones off during the school day helps students focus and learn. It also boosts positive social behavior. Review FCPS’ cell phone expectations by grade level with your child and help keep our classrooms free of distractions! If you need to reach your child during the school day, please call our main office at 703-551-5700.

Gradebook Available Until End-of-Quarter Based on community feedback from the first quarter closure, FCPS revisited the scheduled dates for closing the Gradebook and Report Card modules in the SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps. 

Moving forward, the app will close in alignment with the actual quarter-end dates. This change will allow students and families to view their assignments and grades until the last day of the quarter. Gradebook will be closed for the second quarter from Tuesday, January 28, 4 p.m. to Tuesday, February 4, 6 a.m.

Access Your Child’s Grades Through SIS ParentVueLearn how your ParentVUE account allows you to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child.

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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See you tomorrow! Friday, January 10th

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Dear Halley Families,

FCPS has issued a 2 hour delayed opening for tomorrow, Friday, January 10th.  

Students may enter the building at 11:10 AM.  Our school day officially begins at 11:20 AM.  SACC centers open at 8:00 AM.  We will have our normal dismissal time of 4:05 PM.

We are eager to have all of our Halley kiddos in the building tomorrow as there is much learning and reconnecting with friends and teachers to do!  

Please be safe as you take measures to ensure your child arrives to school on time and ready to learn.  

Our staff is ready to welcome your kiddos for a fresh start to the second half of the school year.

For details regarding other FCPS programs and activities on delayed openings please reference our FCPS website.

Warmest regards,

Halley ES Administration

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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Hornet Happenings: Happy New Year Hornet Nation

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Welcome to a new year Hornet Nation!! We hope each of you thoroughly enjoyed your winter break.  I hope you had time to connect with loved ones and indulge in some rest and relaxation.

As I continue to prep my own family for a return to school, I continue to get notifications on my phone about a winter weather warning.  Tis the season for inclement weather folks!  The weather in this area can change so rapidly, so please stay tuned for all weather alerts from FCPS.  In the case of a 2-hr delayed opening, Halley will open it's doors at 11:10 AM.  School officially begins at 11:20 when there is a 2-hour delay.

Did you know…Every year, absences increase in the weeks before and after winter break. Give your child the gift of education and help build a habit of regular attendance.  We look forward to seeing all of our students once school reopens this week!  Let's make consistent attendance a goal as we begin the new year!  Help our school lower it's chronic absenteeism rate to %10 or less.

It's going to be a cold week Hornet Nation...but let's keep our hearts warm by enjoying the celebration of the start of the second half of the school year.  We miss our students and cannot wait to see them!


Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard, Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt, Assistant Principal

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated.

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE. Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform. 

As the weather is starting to get colder, we want to remind all parents to ensure that their child brings a warm coat for recess. Staying warm during outdoor activities is important for your child's comfort and health.

If your child is in need of a warm coat, please know that assistance is available. Families can reach out to our school social worker, Mrs. Liz DeVoll at [email protected]  or contact the front office for support in obtaining a coat for their child.

It's time for Halley's Spelling Bee!

We are so excited for this fantastic opportunity to participate in the 2024- 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee.

  • Grade level spelling bee: Thursday, January 23rd during school hours.
  • Top 4 finishers in each grade level (1st-6th) will advance to the Halley Elementary School-wide Spelling Bee: Thursday, February 20th from 6:00-8:00 pm.
  • The school champion will advance to the Fairfax County Spelling Bee: Sunday, March 23rd at 2:00 PM at Lake Braddock Secondary School.
  • The county champion will advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee held in late May, 2025.
  • Students have a new way to study by downloading Word Club for free in the App Store or Google Play Store

See the rules here: Spelling Rules

Return the permission slip that came home in Friday folders to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, January 13th

Questions? Contact Tammy Anderson at [email protected] or Christy Talley at [email protected]

All grade levels lists will be posted in Schoology for students to study if they choose to do so.

Dual Language Immersion Lottery

Registration for the countywide lottery for FCPS’ Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program will open on Monday, January 13, 2025. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion program for the 2024-25 school year. 

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting held at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program Registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more information on the DLI Program webpage and the DLI Program Registration webpage.

Boundary Change Meetings: Attend Virtually

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Friday, January 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Upcoming Dates

January 6: Return to school

January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday/Inauguration Day: No School

January 28: End of 2nd Quarter

January 29: Student Holiday; Teacher Work Day




8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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Have a Wonderful Winter Break Halley

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It's the most wonderful time of the year Hornet Nation!  We ended our last week before winter break with lots of celebration!  Students enjoyed festivities with their teachers and classmates, staff had some pretty fun moments showing their school spirit, and parents enjoyed coming into the building to participate in all of the fun.  What a time we had this week!  Thank you to our Halley PTO for supporting our week of Halley Cheer! 

Please enjoy time with family and friends over the winter break. 

Our school office will be closed over the winter break: December 23rd thru January 3rd.

We look forward to seeing each of our students in grades PK-6 after winter break on Monday, January 6th.  Our doors open at 9:10 AM.  School officially begins at 9:20 AM.

Our Halley community would like to take the time to recognize some pretty incredible individuals in this edition of the Hornet Happenings who were nominated by staff, students, or parents for amazing work:

Our 2024-2025 Outstanding Employees!

Our chorus students enjoyed making spirits bright as they went from room to room serenading our Halley kiddos on Thursday and Friday of this week.  Our phenomenal chorus directors, Ms. Smith and Mrs. Poblete did an excellent job arranging this special event.  Beautiful job Halley students!

Every year, absences increase in the weeks before and after winter break. Give your child the gift of education and help build a habit of regular attendance.

Halley ES has a chronic absenteeism rate of 17.2%.  Let's decrease that number as we head into the winter months.  We love our Hornets…and we want to see them at school everyday!

Food Assistance & Resource Guide & Warm Coats for Cold Weather

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.

As the weather is starting to get colder, we want to remind all parents to ensure that their child brings a warm coat for recess. Staying warm during outdoor activities is important for your child's comfort and health.

If your child needs a warm coat, please know that assistance is available. Families can reach out to our school social worker, Mrs. Liz DeVoll at [email protected]  or contact the front office for support in obtaining a coat for their child.


Bundle Up with Books Over Break

Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL library branch or visit their website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered. Check out their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.

Looking for ways to help support your child’s reading and writing at home? Visit the FCPS Literacy Resource page for tips and information about the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System.

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated.

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE. Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform.

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Friday, January 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m.
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

🖥️ Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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Hornet Happenings Week of December 16th

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Hornet Happenings

Week of December 16th  


That’s the bulletin board from our Halley front office!  We mean what we say Hornet Nation…we love our Halley community!  As we approach the extended winter break, please use this time to rejuvenate and enjoy time with friends and family. 

We look forward to the return of each of our Halley Hornets on Monday, January 6th.

Take a look at this week’s spirit days: Halley Cheer

Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard- Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt- Assistant Principal

As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year. Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025. See the complete school year calendar.

Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures.

Food Assistance & Resource Guide & Warm Coats for Cold Weather

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.


As the weather is starting to get colder, we want to remind all parents to ensure that their child brings a warm coat for recess. Staying warm during outdoor activities is important for your child's comfort and health.

If your child needs a warm coat, please know that assistance is available. Families can reach out to our school social worker, Mrs. Liz DeVoll at [email protected]  or contact the front office for support in obtaining a coat for their child.

Winter Special Education and 504 Newsletter

The latest issue of the FCPS Special Education and 504 Newsletter is available online. Topics in this issue include:

  • Community Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities
  • Save the Date: 2025 Family Summit
  • SEL Screener Results
  • New Accessibility Resources
  • Adapted Physical Education and Recreation Program
  • Why Some Students with Disabilities Stay in FCPS Until Age 22
  • VR Programs Supports Out-of-State Post Secondary Schools
  • Executive Functioning Webinars
  • Early Literacy Resources
  • ESY and Assessment Webinar
  • COVID-19 Compensatory Education: FCPS Service Delivery Options

Subscribe to the Special Education and 504 Newsletter

It's time for Halley's Spelling Bee!

We are so excited for this fantastic opportunity to participate in the 2024- 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee.

  • Grade level spelling bee: Thursday, January 23rd during school hours.
  • Top 4 finishers in each grade level (1st-6th) will advance to the Halley Elementary School-wide Spelling Bee: Thursday, February 20th from 6:00-8:00 pm.
  • The school champion will advance to the Fairfax County Spelling Bee: Sunday, March 23rd at 2:00 PM at Lake Braddock Secondary School.
  • The county champion will advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee held in late May, 2025.
  • Students have a new way to study by downloading Word Club for free in the App Store or Google Play Store

See the rules here: Spelling Rules

Return the permission slip that came home in Friday folders to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, January 13th

Questions? Contact Tammy Anderson at [email protected] or Christy Talley at [email protected]

All grade levels lists will be posted in Schoology for students to study if they choose to do so.

Bundle Up with Books Over Break

Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL library branch or visit their website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered. Check out their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.

Looking for ways to help support your child’s reading and writing at home? Visit the FCPS Literacy Resource page for tips and information about the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System.


Teacher Appreciation:

The PTO is spreading holiday cheer this month by supporting teacher and staff during the 'Halley Elementary School Seven Days of Cheer'.  Thank you for your donations to help make this possible! 

Thank you for donating your gently used books during the Halley Elementary School book rescue! Your donations will go towards filling classroom libraries and the school library. 


PTO Volunteers:

The Halley Elementary PTO is a great way to give back and support our school community.  The PTO has a number of events and fundraisers planned for the New Year , including bingo night, movie night and Boosterthon, and we need parent volunteers to help make them memorable experiences for our community.  

Visit the PTO social media sites and websites often for information about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.  Click here for more information."

Thank you!


Help us reach our goal of 10% or less this year.

Did you know…Every year, absences increase in the weeks before and after winter break. Give your child the gift of education and help build a habit of regular attendance.

Halley ES has a chronic absenteeism rate of 16.2%.  Let's decrease that number as we head into the winter months.  We love our Hornets…and we want to see them at school everyday!


When planning for pre-arranged absences, please reference the FCPS school year calendar.  Please plan your trips when there is a long break in the school year calendar (i.e. winter break, spring break, and summer break).  There is a “pre-arranged” absence form that must be completed prior to pre-planned absences.  Simply call the front office, and they will get the necessary form to you for completion.


When your child is sick, please call our attendance line or school office at 703-551-5700 to report an illness.

Reviewing Family Life Education Materials

We hosted our Family Life Education parent preview night last Friday via Zoom.  The session was recorded.  If you would like access to the recording, please call the school office and they will direct you to the proper source.  If you want to simply browse the FLE curriculum you may do so using the various platforms listed below:

  1. Schoology – Halley’s All Parents/Guardians Course
    • Lessons and media with streaming rights
    • Lessons used for students who are opted out of FLE instruction.
    • Parents/guardians will need their parent SIS account to access Schoology (not their child’s)
  2. School libraries
    • Lessons and media during regular school hours (please schedule with librarian)
  3. Fairfax County Regional Library in the City of Fairfax
    • Lessons only; media is not available.

Parents can choose to opt their child out of FLE lessons by utilizing the following options: 

🎄 A very Merry Christmas to those in our community who celebrate! Christmas is an annual holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the person who stands at the heart of the Christian tradition. It is celebrated in many unique ways across the U.S. and the world, most commonly by the joyous giving of gifts. Learn more about Christmas.

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Hornet Happenings

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Hornet Happenings Week of December 9th


It was nice to see some of you in the building last week!

Last week was full of a lot of action at Halley ES!  We had two big school-wide events that simply made my heart happy.  We started the week with our Halley book fair…and wow it was such a great event that truly benefited our students and school.  It was awesome how many parents came and volunteered their time to support our book fair.  We even had former Halley Hornets volunteering at the check-out counter!  The fun did not stop there as we hosted our second school-wide morning meeting called, Hive Time.  Again, we had the opportunity to host parents for this special event where we celebrated each other at Halley as outstanding individuals.  I love when the school-body comes together.  It builds comradery, develops a sense of family, and allows your kiddos to have a good time with one another.  Let’s keep the momentum going as we head into the new year!

Please be sure to read through our entire newsletter as there is some new information regarding AAP screening due dates, Halley’s Spelling Bee, PTO announcements, and winter resources for families.

Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard- Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt- Assistant Principal

Reviewing Family Life Education Materials


We hosted our Family Life Education parent preview night last Friday via Zoom.  The session was recorded.  If you would like access to the recording, please call the school office and they will direct you to the proper source.  If you want to simply browse the FLE curriculum you may do so using the various platforms listed below:

  1. Schoology – Halley’s All Parents/Guardians Course
    • Lessons and media with streaming rights
    • Lessons used for students who are opted out of FLE instruction.
    • Parents/guardians will need their parent SIS account to access Schoology (not their child’s)
  2. School libraries
    • Lessons and media during regular school hours (please schedule with librarian)
  3. Fairfax County Regional Library in the City of Fairfax
    • Lessons only; media is not available.

Parents can choose to opt their child out of FLE lessons by utilizing the following options: 

Reminder:  Window for Full-Time AAP Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024


Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to  Christy Talley [email protected] no later than December 15, 2024


The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 


Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Christy Talley at [email protected].


Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 


For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.

Parents/guardians who would like their student to be considered for full-time Advanced Academic services may submit the Full-Time Referral Form (translations linked below) no later than December 15, 2024. No late forms will be accepted.

Full-Time Referral Form (PDF)

Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon


One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 


The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.


In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact us. 

Register for ParentVUE
Learn how to activate your ParentVUE account, so you can easily access your child’s results and other helpful information.

H-O-R-N-E-T-S!  It’s time for Halley’s Spelling Bee!!!


We are so excited for this fantastic opportunity to participate in the 2024- 2025 Scripps National Spelling Bee.

  • Grade level spelling bee: Thursday, January 23rd during school hours.
  • Top 4 finishers in each grade level (1st-6th) will advance to the Halley Elementary School-wide Spelling Bee: Thursday, February 20th from 6:00-8:00 pm.
  • The school champion will advance to the Fairfax County Spelling Bee: Sunday, March 23rd at 2:00 PM at Lake Braddock Secondary School.
  • The county champion will advance to the Scripps National Spelling Bee held in late May, 2025.
  • Students have a new way to study by downloading Word Club for free in the App Store or Google Play Store

See the rules here: Spelling Rules

Return the permission slip that came home in Friday folders to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, January 13th


Questions? Contact Tammy Anderson at [email protected] or Christy Talley at [email protected]


All grade levels lists will be posted in Schoology for students to study if they choose to do so.



Regular attendance is crucial for the academic success of all students. Studies have repeatedly proven that students with better attendance records perform better in school and are more likely to graduate high school on time.

Did you know…

Every year, absences increase in the weeks before and after winter break. Give your child the gift of education and help build a habit of regular attendance.

Halley ES has a chronic absenteeism rate of 18.2%.  Let's decrease that number as we head into the winter months.  We love our Hornets…and we want to see them at school everyday!


When planning for pre-arranged absences, please reference the FCPS school year calendar.  Please plan your trips when there is a long break in the school year calendar (i.e. winter break, spring break, and summer break).  There is a “pre-arranged” absence form that must be completed prior to pre-planned absences.  Simply call the front office, and they will get the necessary form to you for completion.


When your child is sick, please call our attendance line or school office at 703-551-5700 to report an illness.


Food Assistance & Resource Guide & Warm Coats for Cold Weather

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.


As the weather is starting to get colder, we want to remind all parents to ensure that their child brings a warm coat for recess. Staying warm during outdoor activities is important for your child's comfort and health.

If your child needs a warm coat, please know that assistance is available. Families can reach out to our school social worker, Mrs. Liz DeVoll at [email protected]  or contact the front office for support in obtaining a coat for their child.

Bundle Up with Books Over Break


Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL library branch or visit their website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered. Check out their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.

Looking for ways to help support your child’s reading and writing at home? Visit the FCPS Literacy Resource page for tips and information about the Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System

Family Academy Orientation

 This interactive orientation provides information about FCPS, the connections between family engagement and student achievement, school staff you should know, and programs and technology considerations for families. The orientation also includes a helpful discussion for families who are new to the United States.

Sessions in English will be held online on Tuesday, December 10, at 6 p.m. and Thursday, December 19, at 6 p.m. Register in advance. Visit the Family Academy catalog page to see when orientation will be offered in Korean and Spanish.

  Book Drive:

Halley Elementary PTO Presents: The Great Book Rescue!

Join Halley Elementary Book Rescue Mission! Help gently used and new books find a thrilling new adventure—in our classrooms! Together, we can spark excitement for reading and open new worlds for every Halley student. 

When: December 9th - 13th 

Where: Book Rescue Bins by the Halley ES front office 

What to Donate: K-6 books in good condition (no missing pages, please!) 

Why Donate? 

Your contributions help students explore new stories, meet unforgettable characters, and build their reading skills. Every book is a ticket to adventure! 

Bonus Perks: For every book you donate, you'll earn a title as a Book Hero Extraordinaire—plus the heartfelt thanks of our students and staff. Let’s stack the odds in favor of our young readers. 


PTO Volunteers:

The Halley Elementary PTO is a great way to give back and support our school community.  The PTO has a number of events and fundraisers planned for the New Year , including bingo night, movie night and Boosterthon, and we need parent volunteers to help make them memorable experiences for our community.  

Visit the PTO social media sites and websites often for information about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.  Click here for more information."

Thank you!

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Hornet Happenings

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Hornet Happenings Week of December 2nd


It’s Book Fair week at Halley Elementary!

We are so excited for our Halley Scholastic book fair.  Our Halley teachers love reading to their kiddos…and our students enjoy a good book!  Every purchase from our Scholastic Book Fair benefits our Halley library.  The book fair will be open throughout the school day until December 6th.  On Wednesday, Mrs. Hall our librarian will open the book fair to our Halley community from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  So come on out Hornet Nation and invest in a good book and our school!


Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard- Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt- Assistant Principal

Fall Book Fair

The Fall Halley Book Fair is almost here!  This year’s dates will be Monday, Dec. 2 – Friday, Dec. 6.  

You can preview the Book Fair flyer, set up a digital e-wallet and shop online here.  Students will preview the Book Fair earlier in the week and may make purchases in school on Thursday 12/5 and Friday 12/6.  Family Night will be Wednesday evening, Dec. 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  If you’d like to volunteer to help with this event, you can sign up here or contact Ms. Hall – [email protected].  We hope to see you there!

Family Life Education Parent Preview Night


Parents are invited join us for a brief virtual presentation this Friday, December 6th at 6:00 PM to gain information regarding FCPS’ Family Life Education Curriculum.  Please use the link below to access the virtual meeting.


Join Halley's Virtual Meeting (Click Here)

Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month

 As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. This important work will help the district better support student population growth, changes in school capacity, and evolving community needs. Community input is vital to this process. With that in mind, FCPS, in partnership with Thru Consulting, will be hosting a series of community meetings in each of FCPS’ six regions. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process.

Please visit FCPS’ website for meeting dates, locations, and other information.

Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.


Tuesday, December 3, 6:30-8 p.m., at Lake Braddock Secondary School (Cafeteria).


Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

 One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 

The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.

In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact us. 

Register for ParentVUE Learn how to activate your ParentVUE account, so you can easily access your child’s results and other helpful information.

Virtual Lexia Parent Information Night

Learn more about Lexia® Core5 and Lexia® PowerUp at a parent information night. Discover how FCPS uses Lexia in classrooms to support students’ literacy growth. Presenters will also share tips for improving your child’s literacy. Sessions will take place: 

  • Thursday, December 5, 6:30-7:30 p.m. 

Register in advance.

Attendance Impacts Learning

Every year, absences increase in the weeks before and after winter break. Give your child the gift of education and help build a habit of regular attendance.

Students can still fall behind if they miss just one or two days every few weeks.

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves.  Start building this habit early in their educational career that going to school on time every day is important.  Eventually good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school and college.


When planning for pre-arranged absences, please reference the FCPS school year calendar.  Please plan your trips when there is a long break in the school year calendar (i.e. winter break, spring break, and summer break).  There is a “pre-arranged” absence form that must be completed prior to pre-planned absences.  Simply call the front office, and they will get the necessary form to you for completion.


When your child is sick, please call our attendance line or school office at 703-551-5700 to report an illness.



Book Drive:

Do you have gently used books that you are looking to donate?  In early December, the Halley Elementary School PTO will host a book drive to collect gently used books to donate to our school library.  More details will be posted soon!

PTO Volunteers:

The Halley Elementary PTO is a great way to give back and support our school community.  The PTO has several events and fundraisers planned for the New Year and we need parent volunteers to help make them memorable.  Visit the PTO social media sites and website often for information about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.  Click here for more information.

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Hornet Happenings

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Hornet Happenings Week of November 25th

It’s Thanksgiving week Hornet Nation!

What are you thankful for right now?  I’m grateful to have such a talented group of educators who go the distance for each of our Halley kiddos every single day always giving their best to ensure Halley is a place where excellence thrives!  I’m thankful for amazing Halley students who bring their best efforts to school every day!  Finally, I’m thankful for a community of Halley parents who work collaboratively with our Halley staff to ensure our students thrive in a learning environment of love, acceptance, and teamwork to be the best Hornets they can be.    

I feel so blessed to be your principal!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break Hornet Nation and be safe!



Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard- Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt- Assistant Principal


Schools and offices will be closed November 27-29. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!  Classes will resume on Monday, December 2nd beginning at 9:20 AM.

. See the complete school year calendar

Fall Book Fair


The Fall Halley Book Fair is almost here!  This year’s dates will be Monday, Dec. 2 – Friday, Dec. 6.  

You can preview the Book Fair flyer, set up a digital e-wallet and shop online here.  Students will preview the Book Fair earlier in the week and may make purchases in school on Thursday 12/5 and Friday 12/6.  Family Night will be Wednesday evening, Dec. 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  If you’d like to volunteer to help with this event, you can sign up here or contact Ms. Hall – [email protected].  We hope to see you there!

Yearbook Cover Contest

Do you have an artistic eye and school spirit? Do you want your artwork to be featured in the yearbook for this school year? If so, consider entering the Halley ES Yearbook Cover Design Contest!

Your cover must:

  • Include the school name: Halley Elementary
  • Include the year: 2024-2025
  • Have a hand-drawn illustration that somehow represents the theme: What makes Halley great?
  • Be submitted on a standard piece of 8.5 x 11 white copier/computer paper. Please make it vertical. It must cover the entire page.
  • Please do not use crayons – markers or colored pencils are suggested.
  • Please DO NOT write your name on the front! Use a sticky note and place it on the BACK of your cover.

Any covers that include the following can NOT be considered:

  •  Student name or signature on the artwork
  •  Anything except 8.5 x 11 white paper

All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, December 3 2024. You can drop off the original artwork at the school – please place a sticky note or paper clip with your child’s name, grade, and teacher. 

Questions?  Please contact or email Mrs. Buchko

Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 


The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.


In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact us. 

Register for ParentVUE Learn how to activate your ParentVUE account, so you can easily access your child’s results and other helpful information.


️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.


 Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month

 As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. This important work will help the district better support student population growth, changes in school capacity, and evolving community needs. Community input is vital to this process. With that in mind, FCPS, in partnership with Thru Consulting, will be hosting a series of community meetings in each of FCPS’ six regions. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process.

Please visit FCPS’ website for meeting dates, locations, and other information.

Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.


Tuesday, December 3, 6:30-8 p.m., at Lake Braddock Secondary School (Cafeteria).


As of Friday, November 22nd, Halley had a chronic absenteeism rate of 14.6%.

Attendance Impacts Learning: Research Shows Startling Statistics

  • Only 17% of students who were chronically absent in both kindergarten and first grade were reading proficiently in third grade, compared to 64% of those with good attendance. 
  • Students who fail to read at grade level by the end of third grade are four times more likely than students who achieve proficiency to drop out of high school. 
  • By sixth grade, chronic absenteeism becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.

This month, we are starting a new attendance initiative. Students who miss 0 days of school this month will receive a star to place on their backpacks on November 26th. Students who attend all days of school for the week will be entered into a weekly drawing for a prize. 

We appreciate your partnership with getting your children to school so that we can thrive in the hive.


When planning for pre-arranged absences, please reference the FCPS school year calendar.  Please plan your trips when there is a long break in the school year calendar (i.e. winter break, spring break, and summer break).  There is a “pre-arranged” absence form that must be completed prior to pre-planned absences.  Simply call the front office, and they will get the necessary form to you for completion.


When your child is sick, please call our attendance line or school office at 703-551-5700 to report an illness


Spirit Wear:

Halley Elementary spirit wear is here!  Shop for Halley Elementary School spirit wear now through November 27th.  Orders will be delivered to Halley Elementary for distribution or pick up before winter break.  Whether you are shining in the classroom or cheering on the sidelines, we have the perfect styles to show your Hornet Pride.  Click the link below to visit the PTO's online store:  

Home | Halley Elementary Spirit Sale

Book Drive:

Do you have gently used books that you are looking to donate?  In early December, the Halley Elementary School PTO will host a book drive to collect gently used books to donate to our school library.  More details will be posted soon!

PTO Volunteers:

The Halley Elementary PTO is a great way to give back and support our school community.  The PTO has several events and fundraisers planned for the New Year and we need parent volunteers to help make them memorable.  Visit the PTO social media sites and website often for information about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.  Click here for more information.

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Hornet Happenings

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Hornet Happenings Week of November 18th

Hello Hornet Nation!  We hope your week has gotten off to a good start!  Our Halley students are well into the 2nd quarter…and things are going well.  Thank you for ensuring your kiddos are present at school each day and on time.  We currently have a yearbook contest ongoing.  Consider entering your child into our Halley yearbook contest.  The details are below!

Have a great week Halley families!

Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard- Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt- Assistant Principal

Yearbook Cover Contest

Do you have an artistic eye and school spirit? Do you want your artwork to be featured in the yearbook for this school year? If so, consider entering the Halley ES Yearbook Cover Design Contest!

Your cover must:

  • Include the school name: Halley Elementary
  • Include the year: 2024-2025
  • Have a hand-drawn illustration that somehow represents the theme: What makes Halley great?
  • Be submitted on a standard piece of 8.5 x 11 white copier/computer paper. Please make it vertical. It must cover the entire page.
  • Please do not use crayons – markers or colored pencils are suggested.
  • Please DO NOT write your name on the front! Use a sticky note and place it on the BACK of your cover.

Any covers that include the following can NOT be considered:

  •  Student name or signature on the artwork
  •  Anything except 8.5 x 11 white paper

All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, December 3 2024. You can drop off the original artwork at the school – please place a sticky note or paper clip with your child’s name, grade and teacher. 

Questions?  Please contact or email Mrs. Buchko

The Fall Halley Book Fair is almost here!  This year’s dates will be Monday, Dec. 2 – Friday, Dec. 6.  

You can preview the Book Fair flyer, set up a digital e-wallet and shop online here.  Students will preview the Book Fair earlier in the week and may make purchases in school on Thursday 12/5 and Friday 12/6.  Family Night will be Wednesday evening, Dec. 4th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  If you’d like to volunteer to help with this event, you can sign up here or contact Ms. Hall – [email protected].  We hope to see you there!

Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month

As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. This important work will help the district better support student population growth, changes in school capacity, and evolving community needs. Community input is vital to this process. With that in mind, FCPS, in partnership with Thru Consulting, will be hosting a series of community meetings in each of FCPS’ six regions. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process.

Please visit FCPS’ website for meeting dates, locations, and other information. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

Attendance is Critical for Academic Success

Did you know?

  • Starting in kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to fall behind in school.
  • Missing 10% (or about 2 days per month) can make it harder to learn to read.
  • Attending school even if your student arrives late is valuable for their academic success.

When planning for pre-arranged absences, please reference the FCPS school year calendar.  Please plan your trips when there is a long break in the school year calendar (i.e. winter break, spring break, and summer break).  There is a “pre-arranged” absence form that must be completed prior to pre-planned absences.  Simply call the front office, and they will get the necessary form to you for completion.

When your child is sick, please call our attendance line or school office at 703-551-5700 to report an illness.


Thank you to each of our families who attended last week’s PTO virtual meeting!  Our special guest, Mr. Mateo Duune shared some valuable information related to boundary considerations.

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Hornet Happenings

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Hornet Happenings November 14, 2024

Hello Hornet Nation!  What an amazing time we had last Friday honoring our military service members at Halley Elementary!  The students were so excited as they celebrated our Halley parents who have served in our various military branches.  Take a look below…pictures speak a thousand words:

As we move into the 2nd quarter, we are reminded of the true collaboration that is required between teachers, parents, and students to ensure a successful academic year.  Thank you for the support as our Halley staff works hard to ensure your children are receiving a comprehensive educational experience. 

We look forward to seeing all of our parents at tonight’s PTO meeting held virtually via Zoom at 7PM.  Please scroll down to access the zoom link.

Paula Johnson-Tyler, Principal

Dee Hubbard- Assistant Principal

Kayleigh Merritt- Assistant Principal

Yearbook Cover Contest

Do you have an artistic eye and school spirit? Do you want your artwork to be featured in the yearbook for this school year? If so, consider entering the Halley ES Yearbook Cover Design Contest!

Your cover must:

  • Include the school name: Halley Elementary
  • Include the year: 2024-2025
  • Have a hand-drawn illustration that somehow represents the theme: What makes Halley great?
  • Be submitted on a standard piece of 8.5 x 11 white copier/computer paper. Please make it vertical. It must cover the entire page.
  • Please do not use crayons – markers or colored pencils are suggested.
  • Please DO NOT write your name on the front! Use a sticky note and place it on the BACK of your cover.

Any covers that include the following can NOT be considered:

  •  Student name or signature on the artwork
  •  Anything except 8.5 x 11 white paper

All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, December 3 2024. You can drop off the original artwork at the school – please place a sticky note or paper clip with your child’s name, grade and teacher. 

Questions?  Please  email Mrs. Buchko at [email protected]


Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month

 As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. This important work will help the district better support student population growth, changes in school capacity, and evolving community needs. Community input is vital to this process. With that in mind, FCPS, in partnership with Thru Consulting, will be hosting a series of community meetings in each of FCPS’ six regions. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process.

Please visit FCPS’ website for meeting dates, locations, and other information. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair

Parents/caregivers, school staff, and students over the age of 14 are invited to attend an interactive event celebrating the individualized education program (IEP) process. The IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair will take place on Saturday, November 16, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Jackson Middle School. 

The event is sponsored by Fairfax County Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA). Activities include simulated IEP meetings, break-out sessions on the various parts of an IEP, and a resource fair to learn more about community supports. Register in advance.

Tutoring Resources for Families

Is your family looking for resources to help support your child’s academic success? FCPS’ Family Resource Center (FRC) maintains a list of district employees who hold a valid Virginia teaching credential and who are available to be hired as a tutor by parents. FRC maintains this list, but families are responsible for contacting and working directly with tutors. This list is not “approved” by FCPS and is only meant as a resource.


FCPS also partners with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors' services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests.

FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 3: Academic Growth and Excellence, reminds us of our commitment to supporting each and every student and helping them meet or exceed high academic standards.

Attendance is Critical for Academic Success

Regular attendance can help students be successful at school, graduate on time, and achieve their life goals. If students miss too much school, school staff may contact them to work with them to support improved attendance. Visit our website for attendance resources.

PTO Meeting

Be sure to attend the all school PTO meeting tonight, November 14th at 7PM to learn about upcoming events, updates from FCPS about our school district, and how you can help support Halley Elementary School priorities through upcoming fundraisers including the PTO's biggest annual fundraiser, Boosterthon, this Spring. 

Please use the link below to access tonight’s PTO meeting:



The PTO is thankful for all the support from parents, students and staff of Halley Elementary School. 

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Hornet Happenings-Special Edition-November 8th Events

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Hornet Happenings Veteran's Day Events  November 8, 2024


Fuel Up for our Freedom: Continental Breakfast

A celebratory continental breakfast sponsored by Halley’s PTO will be available for any service member who joins us on this day beginning at 9:20. Enjoy a musical selection from our own Halley chorus as you indulge in a tasty treat. 

We Love our Military Family Members Parade

We invite all family members who have served in our armed forces to participate in the: If you would like to be honored by walking through the hallways of Halley Elementary wearing your uniform or attire which represents your branch of the military, please arrive at Halley by 9:30 to participate.  Our Halley students will be cheering you on as you walk past their classrooms!


Parents and caregivers are invited to join their student(s) for a traditional Thanksgiving lunch right here at school on November 8th.  Please enter Door 1 and have your ID ready.  We will get you singed in and off to eat lunch with your student.

If you would like to purchase Thanksgiving lunch, please make sure you have sufficient funds in your student’s MySchoolBucks account. 

The student price for lunch is $3.25 and the adult price is $4.75.

If you need to create a MySchoolBucks account, please see the instructions below:

*Go to www.MySchoolBucks.com  or, to the MySchoolBucks link located on the Laurel Ridge homepage to establish an account.

*Add your students using the name of the school they are attending, and either their student ID or birthdate.


8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Hornet Happenings

GovDelivery3 months ago

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Hornet Happenings Week of November 4th

Hello Hornet Nation!  The season of Fall is in full bloom…and I absolutely love it!  The weather has truly been picture perfect.  I hope you have taken time to enjoy the beautiful foliage of the season.

I would like to remind each of you to support our Halley PTO at their Election Day Bake Sale on Tuesday, November 5th.  They will be located near the entrance of our school selling baked goods to support various initiatives around the school.  Scroll to the bottom of our newsletter for details!

Once again, this week’s newsletter is a focus on our upcoming Veteran’s Day celebration which occurs on Friday, November 8th.  This year will look a bit different from last year. 

Fuel Up for our Freedom: Continental Breakfast

A celebratory continental breakfast sponsored by Halley’s PTO will be available for any service member who joins us on this day beginning at 9:20. Enjoy a musical selection from our own Halley chorus as you indulge in a tasty treat. 

We Love our Military Family Members Parade

We invite all family members who have served in our armed forces to participate in the: If you would like to be honored by walking through the hallways of Halley Elementary wearing your uniform or attire which represents your branch of the military, please arrive at Halley by 9:30 to participate.  Our Halley students will be cheering you on as you walk past their classrooms!

Military Photo Showcase

 Please submit the photo of a loved one who is currently serving or has served in a branch of the military by using this link below.  A slideshow will be shared during our Halley Morning News Program to our students, the community Newsletter: Hornet Happenings, and our Halley School Website.

Use this link to submit your photo by November 6th.

All About You: Military Classroom Panel Discussion

Would you like to share why you joined the military and your experiences with your child’s classroom?  If so, please sign up to attend the All About You Military Classroom Panel Discussion. 

Due to time constraints, we will not be able to host all families who sign up to participate in the discussion panel.  It is on a first come, first serve basis.  Please use the link below to sign up for a slot with your child’s teacher.

5th & 6th Grade: 1:00-1:30

3rd & 4th Grade: 2:00-2:30

Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd: 3:00-3:30

All About You!: Military Discussion Panel Sign-Up Form

Parents and caregivers are invited to join their student(s) for a traditional Thanksgiving lunch right here at school on November 8th.  Please enter Door 1 and have your ID ready.  We will get you singed in and off to eat lunch with your student.

If you would like to purchase Thanksgiving lunch, please make sure you have sufficient funds in your student’s MySchoolBucks account. 

The student price for lunch is $3.25 and the adult price is $4.75.

If you need to create a MySchoolBucks account, please see the instructions below:

*Go to www.MySchoolBucks.com  or, to the MySchoolBucks link located on the Laurel Ridge homepage to establish an account.

*Add your students using the name of the school they are attending, and either their student ID or birthdate.

*You will receive a confirmation email that your account has been established


Paula Johnson-Tyler             Dee Hubbard                 Kayliegh Merritt


Elementary School Language Arts Grading Updates

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

We will also have new ways for you to help your child practice their reading and writing skills at home. These resources are coming soon!

How Can You Help Your Child Have Good Attendance in 2nd Quarter?

Just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and put your child behind in school.  This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school.

  • Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, make that the expectation. 
  • Help your child maintain routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
  • Find out if your child feels engaged by his classes and feels safe at school. Make sure he or she is not missing class because of behavioral issues and school discipline policies. If any of these are problems, work with your school.
  • Stay on top of academic progress and seek help from teachers or tutors if necessary. Make sure teachers know how to contact you.
  • Stay on top of your child’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
  • Encourage meaningful afterschool activities, including sports and clubs.

Looking ahead to the holiday season, if missing school is unavoidable, talk to your children’s teachers in advance to create a plan for making up missed work.  But remember, a homework packet cannot make up for the interaction and learning that goes on in the classroom.

Visit our website for more attendance resources

Native American Heritage Month


Native American Heritage Month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native Americans. It is also a time to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges they have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges.
Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.


National Family Engagement Month

This month reminds us that families are children's first and most important teachers, advocates, and nurturers. Strong family support is vital to student well-being and success. 

FCPS has many resources designed to increase engagement and partnerships with families while fostering academic success and social-emotional growth. Additionally, every school has a family liaison who will welcome and orient families, and help them understand the school's culture, policies, procedures, and practices. They can help connect families to resources in the community. Family liaisons might also assist a family in transitioning to a new school and encourage family-school partnerships to help ensure their student's success and healthy development.

If you have questions or would like more information, ask our school office staff to connect you with your family liaison or visit FCPS’ website for a list of region representatives

Veterans Day Monday, November 11, is a holiday and schools will be closed for students

Election Day Bake Sale:

The PTO needs your help to make our November 5th Election Day Bake Sale at Halley Elementary school a success! This fundraiser will support lower-cost field trips and the 6th-grade promotion celebration. Check out the volunteer page here .

Donate baked goods: Bake or buy individually wrapped items to sell by donation.  

Help sell: We need parent and responsible student volunteers to assist at the bake sale table during different time slots throughout Election Day.

Can't volunteer? No worries! You can still contribute by making a donation. We’re already accepting donations, here !

Your participation, big or small, will make a huge difference! Let’s make this a great event for our school community!

Hornets Dine Out:

Help support Halley Elementary and the PTO on November 12th and 13th by dining out at Fuse Box!  Located at 8961 #130 Ox Road, Lorton, VA 22079 ,15% of dine-in or take out sales will be donated to the Halley Elementary School PTO. Please be sure to mention the "Halley Elementary School PTO Fundraiser" when you place an order.

All School PTO Meeting:

Save the date for the first all school PTO meeting of the year on November 14th from 7-8:30pm. More details coming soon!

Thank you for your support!


8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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🐝Special Edition Hornet Happenings

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

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Hornet Happenings Special Edition October 31st 2 Hour Early Dismissal Today and End of 1st Quarter

All students will be dismissed at 2:05 today.  After-school care will not be provided unless a student is already enrolled in SACC.

Hello Hornet Nation!  This week’s newsletter is a focus on our upcoming Veteran’s Day celebration on Friday, November 8th.  This year will look a bit different from last year. 

We Love our Military Family Members Parade

We invite all family members who have served in our armed forces to participate in the: If you would like to be honored by walking through the hallways of Halley Elementary wearing your uniform or attire which represents your branch of the military, please arrive at Halley by 9:30 to participate.  Our Halley students will be cheering you on as you walk past their classrooms!

Military Photos Showcase


Please submit the photo of a loved one who is currently serving or has served in a branch of the military by using this link below.  A slideshow will be shared during our Halley Morning News Program to our students, the community Newsletter: Hornet Happenings, and our Halley School Website.

Use this link to submit your photo by November 6th.

All About You: Military Classroom Panel Discussion

Would you like to share why you joined the military and your experiences with your child’s classroom?  If so, please sign up to attend the All About You Military Classroom Panel Discussion.  Due to time constraints, we will not be able to host all families who sign up to participate in the discussion panel.  It is on a first come, first serve basis.  Please use the link below to sign up for a slot with your child’s teacher.

5th & 6th Grade: 1:00-1:30

3rd & 4th Grade: 2:00-2:30

Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd: 3:00-3:30


All About You!: Military Discussion Panel Sign-Up Form


Parents and caregivers are invited to join their student(s) for a traditional Thanksgiving lunch right here at school on November 8th.  Please enter Door 1 and have your ID ready.  We will get you singed in and off to eat lunch with your student.

If you would like to purchase Thanksgiving lunch, please make sure you have sufficient funds in your student’s MySchoolBucks account. 

The student price for lunch is $3.25 and the adult price is $4.75.

If you need to create a MySchoolBucks account, please see the instructions below:

*Go to www.MySchoolBucks.com  or, to the MySchoolBucks link located on the Laurel Ridge homepage to establish an account.

*Add your students using the name of the school they are attending, and either their student ID or birthdate.

*You will receive a confirmation email that your account has been established.

Paula Johnson-Tyler: Principal

Dee Hubbard: Assistant Principal                Kayleigh Merritt: Assistant Principal

Election Day Bake Sale:

We need your help to make our November 5th Election Day Bake Sale at Halley Elementary school a success! This fundraiser will support lower-cost field trips and the 6th-grade promotion celebration. Check out the volunteer page here.

Donate baked goods: Bake or buy individually wrapped items to sell by donation.  

Help sell: We need parent and responsible student volunteers to assist at the bake sale table during different time slots throughout Election Day.

Can't volunteer? No worries! You can still contribute by making a donation. We’re already accepting donations , here !

Your participation, big or small, will make a huge difference! Let’s make this a great event for our school community!

Thank you to everyone that joined the PTO during the membership drive!  We had an amazing turn out and appreciate all who signed up. Teachers received gift cards representing your donations last week. Congratulations to Ms.Lias for winning the bonus gift card for most PTO sign ups!  Click here  if you would like to sign up for PTO membership.


Hornets Dine Out:

Help support Halley Elementary and the PTO on November 12th and 13th by dining out at Fuse Box!  Located at 8961 #130 Ox Road, Lorton, VA 22079 ,15% of dine-in or take out sales will be donated to the Halley Elementary School PTO. Please be sure to mention the "Halley Elementary School PTO Fundraiser" when you place an order.

All School PTO Meeting:

Save the date for the first all school PTO meeting of the year on November 14th from 7-8:30pm. More details coming soon!

Thank you for your support!

8850 Cross Chase Circle, Fairfax Station 22039  |  Phone: 703-551-5700

Attendance: 703-551-5757 or email HalleyES.Attendance

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